Welcome to Rossiters Quay in Christchurch

A Great Place To Live!

Next Board Meeting - Friday December 8th at 10:00am

For any queries relating to the development please click the Rebbecks button on the left hand side of the screen

For any queries relating to the website email webmaster @ rossitersquay.co.uk

Rossiters Quay Basin

Rossiters Quay is a prestigious development of 26 high specification and individually designed properties in a truly spectacular location, each having a waterside frontage and a mooring yet virtually in Christchurch town centre.

The properties are set around the quay itself and along the River Avon forming a series of attractive and varied street scenes, each with a traditional flavour and reflecting the architect's vision that "Rossiters Quay is another street in an historic town".

Architecturally, the properties have drawn inspiration from Christchurch's medieval past with steeply pitched roofs, exposed chimney stacks and triple-height mullion-styled windows forming a succesful link with medieval times and past images of waterside jetties and wharfs.

The development has achieved a degree of commonality and cohesion without uniformity and styles, layout, building materials and colours were prominent in the original vision and thinking of the architect reflecting the medieval and waterside heritage of the town.

On this page


Floating Docks

With the preservation of the original vision for Rossiters Quay in mind, the developer and former landlord of Rossiters Quay, Taylor-Wimpey (Taylor-Woodrow as was), framed the lease for each property around the need for owners to obtain approval for changes and alterations they wished to make.This made it a legal obligation to seek and get such approval before embarking upon any change or alteration - and not to do so would place the owner in breach of his/her lease transfer terms which in future may prejudice any future sale of the property. The intention was not to block change but rather, to ensure that change would happen in a sympathetic way - sympathetic to style, layout, materials and colours - so that the waterside jetties, wharfs and medieval street scenes would endure.

This is not to say that the original design should be seen as especially precious and frozen in time; indeed, changes are to be encouraged as the needs of owners and their families adapt and move on over time. Some 20+ years on it is pleasing to see that generally the development has evolved well - as a normal street scene would do. Most of the changes made to date have been carried out in a sympathetic way with the end result fitting the surroundings.

As Rossiters Quay moves into a new era - with the freehold having transferred from Taylor-Wimpy to Rossiters Quay Freehold Limited (RQFL) and with owners able to become shareholders in the freehold - then it is timely and necessary to review the process by which changes and alterations to properties are considered and decided upon as we go forward from here.


A document has been produced to outline the process now in place to provide the necessary consent for alterations and changes to properties at Rossiters Quay. The paper can be downloaded by clicking here.

The application form for consent is available in both word and pdf formats. For the pdf version click here.

For the word version click here.

Floating Docks

Floating docks such as versadock are very useful in keeping the hulls of boats out of the water however their installation on berths at Rossiters Quay can cause issues for the development and other residents. A guidance document on their installation has been produced and is available by clicking here.

Lamps on Bridge at Rossiters Quay

2023 Board Meetings

The dates of the board meetings in 2023 are as follows:-

February 10th
April 21st
June 9th
August 18th
October 6th
December 8th

Meetings may be held in person or by Zoom depending upon the COVID situation and guidance at the time of the meeting....

Date Added - 18-Jan-2023

copyright Rossiters Quay Freehold Ltd (2013)